Sunday, April 1, 2018

Argentinian Myth Monsters

Argentinian Myth Monsters

Want to write your own spooky story? In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I advised either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries that have some unique and old mythical creatures is Argentina.
Pombéro/Karai Pyhare/Señor de la noche
The Pombéro has many names that all translate to “The Man of the Night”. The Pombéro is a small, ugly, humanoid-like figure with hairy feet and hands. The Pombéro is generally seen as a mischievous forest dweller that is known for protecting birds. The Pombéro will often commit small acts of mischief upon farmers that live near its home; these acts generally include things like setting cattle loose, stealing small items like eggs or honey, causing horses to throw off riders, and tricking single ungrateful women into having sex with them through minor illusions. The Pombéro can be befriended with gifts of honey, cigars, and rum left out near its territory at night.
El Familiar
El Familiar is a demonic creature that appears as an enormous decapitated black dog dragging a heavy collar and chain upon its back, with no head in sight. This creature wanders the lands of former sugar plantation owners that made a deal with the devil to be protected from financial woes in exchange for a yearly human sacrifice. It is said that El Familiar was the one that came to collect the sacrifice and he still travels the lands where such bargains were made, searching for the next victim for the sacrifice. The only protection from El Familiar is a rosary and a blessed crucifix.
The Tuyango was believed to be a carnivorous swamp bird that had two long legs for running, short wings for short flights, and a long hooked beak for hunting. The Tuyango were believed to hunt humans exclusively, with a preference for children. It was believed that a single Hawk that had a vendetta against the species hunted the Tuyango to extinction.
The Okpe was believed to be an enormous, quadrupedal ogre that had the appearance of a pig with stone skin. The Okpe was a carnivorous creature whose meat of choice was human children. The Okpe would kill adult humans that were cooking or eating braised meat, and then steal the meat to use as a lure for children. As soon as an unwary child came to investigate the enticing smell, the Okpe would scoop the child up and carry the child off on its back to be devoured. The only way for a child to escape an Okpe was to be lucky enough to grasp a tree branch as the Okpe journeyed back to its lair. Any attacks upon an Okpe always ended in failure, as its skin was too thick for any weapon to penetrate.
Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke                   


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