Sunday, May 6, 2018

Austrian Monster Myths

Austrian Monster Myths

In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries with some unique myths is Austria. Austria is located in Central Europe, and is filled with mountain villages, alpine terrain, and Imperial history.
Habergeiß translates to buck goat and the creature itself is a combination of a bird and a goat. Some legends portray Habergeiß as a creature that can shift its physical form from goat to bird at will; others see Habergeiß as a three-legged bird with a goat’s face, and a few myths believe that Habergeiß is the result of the mating of a bird and a goat that left Habergeiß with an equal blend of bird and goat features. Habergeiß is a creature that was born when the ancient people of Austria were in danger from a famine as their harvest was poor. Habergeiß became the spirit of corn and its job was to see that the harvest was protected so that the people of Austria would not starve. While Habergeiß is mostly a benign creature, it has been known to turn violent against any person or group that seeks to harm the harvest.
Krampus is believed to be a demonic beast that punishes naughty children during the holiday season. Krampus has thick brown-black hair that covers his whole body, the hooves of a horse, the horns of a goat, and a long pointed tongue that rolls out of his mouth to his chest. Krampus stalks the streets at night with rusty chains draped over his shoulder, a large black sack in his hand, and large bells that, when rung, make all those that hear them feel deep despair. Krampus is known for punishing children that are naughty during the holiday season, though the punishment is almost always more extreme than the naughtiness committed by the child. Those children that Krampus deems the worst of the worst are kidnapped from their beds and thrown into his sack; all that is known is that once the children enter the sack, Krampus takes them back to his lair and the children are never seen or heard from again. Some believe that Krampus eats the children while others believe that the children are forced to work for Krampus and they are the ones that identify the naughty children for Krampus to kidnap and punish.
Frau Perchta
Frau Perchta is the descendent of the Alpine goddess of nature and is a witch known for punishing and rewarding people from December 25th through January 6th. For those who commit crimes during the holidays, Frau Perchta’s favorite punishment is to replace the criminal’s organs with garbage and to laugh as they slowly die.
Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke                   

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