Sunday, May 13, 2018

Three Most Fearsome Mythical Creatures of Brazil

Three Most Fearsome Mythical Creatures of Brazil

In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries that have some unique myths is Brazil. Brazil is officially known as the Federative Republic of Brazil and it is the largest country in Latin America and South America.
Cabeça Satânica/Cabeça Errante
The Cabeça Satânica, also known as Cabeça Errante, translates to 'wandering devil’s head.' This creature is, in fact, a disembodied demon head that is often thrown by evil demons at humans in order for the demon to get enjoyment out of the human’s descent into madness and insanity. Most people go insane from the mere sight of the Cabeça Satânica/Cabeça Errante. For those with a strong constitution who manage to maintain their sanity, the Cabeça Satânica/Cabeça Errante will bounce up and down until it touches the person, as one touch is all it takes to kill a person.
Caboclo D’água
The Caboclo D’água is a monster with green skin, two legs, one eye, and razor sharp teeth that makes its home in the Rio São Francisco River and can transform into any creature that lives in its river with a single thought. The Caboclo D’água despises those that try to enter its river and will often act to either scare or kill the fishermen who not only enter its river, but wish to take from the river’s bounty. Caboclo D’água is known for scaring fish away from the fishermen, flipping their boats, and running their boats aground. The only known way to survive Caboclo D’água once the monster has spotted a fisherman is to placate the monster by throwing tobacco into the water, which will distract Caboclo D’água long enough for the fisherman to escape.
Mapinguari translates to 'roaring animal and fetid beast,' and this creature is very similar to the legends of Bigfoot. Mapinguari has the legs of a grizzly bear, the face of a monkey, the fur of a musk ox, a second mouth on its stomach, and a skin thick enough to stop bullets. Mapinguari is seen as either a protector or a monster, depending if the person encountering the creature is trying to take more from the forests of Brazil than they need. The Mapinguari is believed to protect the forests from hunters and individuals that wish to strip away the resources of the forest for selfish gain; however it will allow people to take from the forest as long as the person only takes what he or she needs and no more than that. The Mapinguari will first play tricks on those that are greedy by making them get lost and causing them to experience feelings of confusion; only those that ignore these warnings have found themselves truly harmed or killed by the Mapinguari.
Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke                   

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